Next Intake Deadline: April 2, 2024

Check out my downloadable application worksheets:
The BC Arts Council Arts Impact Grant program is back…with all the wide-ranging and flexible funding options you love; plus a few new changes and clarifications about what the program will, and will not fund. Open as of this week, the next intake deadline is April 2, 2024.
"Arts Impact Grants are responsive and flexible funding for arts and culture organizations and collectives. The intention of the program is to allow applicants to prioritize a specific project or group of related activities that will provide the most meaningful impact to their organization, artistic practice, or to their community."
I have completed a review of the new funding guidelines & have noted a few changes from the previous program criteria (see below)
NOTE: all text in italics (below) are NEW/changed criteria for the 2024 program:
"Applications will be assessed in one of the following categories:
1. Foundational Impact - Learning, Expanding, and Stabilizing:
Supports the strengthening, expansion, or stabilization of organizations or collectives. Examples may include (but are not limited to):
Creating new, or expanding leadership and support positions
Mentorships, internships, and co-op placements
Board or staff training and development
Policy planning and development
Sustainability practices or environmental initiatives
Emergency preparedness initiatives
Funding of operating expenses towards organizational stability
2. Community Impact - Connecting, Engaging, and Extending
Supports connection with a new, pre-existing, or broader community. Examples may include (but are not limited to):
Audience, marketing, and outreach development
Website development
Community or youth engagement
Inter-community artist networking and engagement
Sector development or service projects delivered by arts service organizations
3. Artistic and Cultural Impact - a) Imagining, Creating, and Producing
Supports the early-stage development, creation, or production of work or exhibitions. Examples may include (but are not limited to):
Research and development
Commissions or residencies to create new work
Revisions and redevelopment of work
Workshopping or creative collaboration
Creation of digital programming
Integration of environmentally sustainable materials, methods, or practices
b) Sharing, Showcasing, and Promoting - Supports the presentation, exhibition, and circulation of work, and connection to audiences. Examples may include (but are not limited to):
Productions, remounts, presentations, or exhibitions
Touring or circulation of work
Environmentally sustainable presentation practices
Post-production evaluation
In the application, you can choose only one of these categories. Choose the category that best describes the impact of your project.
Exclusions - What Will Not Be Funded:
Grants are not available to support:
Project phases or activities that begin before the intake closing date (April 2, 2024)
Project or budget deficits or contingency funds.
Capital expenses (construction, renovation, or purchase of property or equipment).
Feasibility studies, start-up costs, or seed money.
Projects or activities that are not based upon artistic or curatorial decision making, or where arts and culture is not the primary focus.
Activities that require payment from artists to participate; fundraising activities; competitions; conferences and conventions; family, religious, anniversary, or community celebrations.
Podcasts and radio programming that are not embedded within established artistic practice or specifically dedicated to the dissemination of artistic works.
Subsistence to artists or arts and cultural practitioners.
Costs of producing commercial recordings or demo reels.
Projects where art therapy, health or therapeutic work is the primary project focus or outcome.
Industrial, archaeological or heritage sites, historic places, or organizations dedicated to archives.
Projects related to continuing education or post-secondary programs.
Projects or activities that are primarily intended for or focused within creative industries or commercial sector (with the exception of book publishers), including architecture, fashion, commercial film and television, culinary arts, games, sports, recreation, mass media, journalism, podcasts, graphic design.
Projects or activities already funded through other BC Arts Council grant programs.
Projects or activities funded with BC Arts Council funds received through third-party delivery partners: ArtStarts, First Peoples’ Cultural Council, BC Touring Council, or Creative BC."
Other NEW guideline clarifications/additions of note include:
"BC Arts Council intends to support successful applications at 100% of the request; however, grants may be awarded for less than requested. BC Arts Council programs are highly competitive, and support is not available for all eligible projects. Success rates in BC Arts Council grant programs are generally between 20% to 40%. Visit the BC Arts Council Grant Recipients page to review a list of previously successful applicants and the range of previous grants for this grant program.
Ineligible Applicants - The following organizations are not eligible to apply for this grant:
Private or for-profit entities (except in the case of for-profit book publishing companies).
Member-funded societies.
Social service organizations
Educational institutions
Local governments
Industrial, archaeological or heritage sites, historic places, or organizations dedicated to archives.
Community choirs that are attached to, or affiliated with, educational, religious, or military institutions."
There are also a variety of expanded/clarified details in the guidelines for applicant eligibility, instructions, definitions, required support materials, etc…so I recommend everyone to spend a little time to review the document, even if you’re previously familiar with this program.
BCAC has an available preview application form downloadable from their site; as well as a NEW application checklist as well.
As with all BCAC funding programs, applicants are welcomed and encouraged to speak directly with the grant officer with any questions:
Nicola Dunne – Program Advisor 778-405-4007 |